Saturday, January 17, 2009

nothing is as beautiful... a newborn child. :) It was almost a year ago that my darling little niece Mackenzie was born. Technically she's not my niece rather my best friend Beebe's baby. This sweetie was only a week old when this picture was taken when she fit in her parents hand. Now you have to brace yourself to pick the child up. Ah but she's cute as ever. I will be taking her one year old pics pretty soon and will post them as soon as possible.
Peace and ♥

awesome dog

That's our Fred. He was barking at something and I managed to shoot this at the right time. I like the intense look of Fred as he dutifully guards our home.

Peace and ♥

random objects in space

I thought that it would be a good idea to take some of life’s everyday things and photograph them. Random objects in space is the theme the following photographs. These were all taken in downtown Dallas one random Sunday afternoon. I am pretty pleased how these came out and how they were edited. You decide.

underpass - Downtown Dallas

random cart or spontaneous art? - Downtown Dallas

underpass 2 - Downtown Dallas

razor wire on random fence - Downtown Dallas

red beams - Downtown Dallas

CONSTRUCTIVE feedback is always welcome. i.e. be KIND. :)

Peace and ♥